Monday, April 5, 2010

Mash Potato Flames

Super Wy pokes at his mash potatoes and then looks up at me with his brightest "please" smile.

"Me outta mustard." His smile brightens a notch.

(Notice he doesn't ask for anything to go with the mustard...he just eats the mustard El solo.)

"Not until you finish your veges and potatoes."

Disgust flashes across his face for a millisecond before it turns grave. "No. Can't. They make fire on my tongue."

"What?" I ask, incredulous. "The mash potatoes will light your tongue on fire?"

He nods his head slowly up and down and looks very seriously at me. "Yeah."

...Can't Super Wy come up with a non-drama reason to NOT eat his mash potatoes? Of course not.

1 comment:

  1. I think the bigger question is, what child doesn't eat mashed popatoes?
