Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Catching Up

Wow! Has it been that long since I've last posted? Don't get us wrong, we haven't been doing nothing. I think the problem is, we've been doing too much. As this is semi my memory bucket, I think I'll catch up on what we've been up too.

Let's see. We had Super Wy's birthday party which was lots of fun. Of course, it had to be a dinosaur themed party so I made a Dinosaur Valley cake with volcano and all. He was in the limelight and loving it.

I helped host a baby shower for an awesome friend and baked the shower cake. It was loads of fun hanging out with woman, talking about babies, and just watching the excitement of a soon-to-be new mother.

Then this last week was all about Halloween preparations. Costume finalizing, candy purchasing, pumpkin carving. Friday I went with Hubby and the boys to Holy Terror's Kindergarten Halloween party. They were so silly playing fun games, doing crafts and walking a costume parade.

And then next thing we knew, it was Halloween. Drama Queen was a Psycho Clown Nurse, Parkour Boy was a Dead Car Victim, Holy Terror was Optimus Prime, and Super Wy was Sheriff Woody.

Phew! What a couple of weeks!

I think now that we've started the holiday season it's going to be a little hectic for the next couple months. As you all know, my favorite holiday is coming up...Thanksgiving.

But before we dive into that busy stuff, Hubby and I will probably take the kids to the beach for one last relaxing day before it all kicks off.


  1. WOW, you've been busy!! Hope things slow down a little bit for you. Miss talking to you!!

  2. Thanks. The cakes were fun to make.

    Miss you too Sam!
