Monday, January 25, 2010

Deja Vu

Super Wy dances foot-to-foot at the kitchen counter. "Mom, mom. Can I have juice?"

"With dinner."

3 seconds later.

"Mom, mom. Can I have juice?"

"With dinner."

2 seconds later.

"Mom, mom. Can I have juice?"

"With dinner."

Super Wy collapses against the counter, wailing in devastation.


  1. Just wanted to say...
    I've been reading your blog for ages. I particularly love these "peeks" at small but telling moments. Especially those that remind me a little of what it was like to be a little kid. So full of will-power with so little control over your own life!

  2. ...which makes three "littles" in one comment :p

  3. Hi, Masha. Thank you so much for visiting our site. It's so great to meet new people. Motherhood is such a wonderful adventure and I enjoy sharing the highlights (and sometimes lowlights). I dropped in to your blog and saw all your awesome artwork. You have amazing talent. Great job!

    I get this feeling that we've "met" on another site but can't place your name to a site user name? Is it possibly CC or Editor Unleashed?

    (and no problem with the many "littles"...I think I used great in here several times :P)
